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Publicado: Quinta, 07 de Abril de 2016, 09h21 | Última atualização em Quinta, 06 de Abril de 2017, 12h56 | Acessos: 10487


Education, Science and Technology

A quality education is an investment with a life time return!

The Federal Institute of Rondônia is a public educational federal institution and integrates professional and higher education to basic education in a pluricurricular and multicampi structure which builds up an environment focused on a scientific and technological education committed to a quality education offer to people in general.

Strategically located in the State of Rondônia, North of Brazil, the Institution offers opportunities of studies in a variety of areas that are in high demand nowadays, in the region and all over the world.

Society today presents a growing demand for construction, communication, energy and food production. The majority of challenges in our world today requires solutions that depend on science, technology and quality education investments.

Thus, the Institution fosters a sustainable development through programs that range from a High School Course Integrated to a Technical Program to Technological Courses such as Computer Science, New Information and Communication Technology, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering, Agriculture, Chemistry and Environment, to name a few.

The Institution emphasizes leadership, technical procedures and promotes the development of decision-making skills, with a student-centred approach to learning, also providing access and student support and services. The approach increases students’ possibilities of success in the job market, due to the link established between theory and practice, offering hands-on experience in all settings and fields.

The career paths that emerge from the programs and courses offered by the Federal Institute of Rondonia are incredibly diverse and rich, representing employment opportunities and citizenship in action.

Projects designed to gather all the community around education and development promote students and community participation in technological events, seminars and summits, foster and implement researches for the preservation of natural resources, new renewable energy sources discoveries, generate income and qualification for all.


The Federal Institute of Rondônia gives students a well rounded education this way giving them the opportunity to work for any type of company or field of work that demands a qualified professional. Providing students with the research possibilities integrated to the regular learning ongoing process is a matter of advising students to answer to updated demands of the world,

This integrated learning process develops scientific and technological improvements, and is conducted by the faculty, professional staff, and advisors, as well as students in vocational, technical, technological and teacher training courses.

The Institution fosters co-operative Education partners with employers, institutions and companies to provide students with employment opportunities with specific learning outcomes. In addition to making a career connection in the job market, or the productive world, these outcomes focus on the personal and professional development of the students.

Into this context, the extension dimension, connected to research and the learning process, is the educational, cultural and scientific process that dialogues with the community, and brings up the needs and demands of the society. An important bridge that allows the Institution to better understand and respond to the community demands, it is a universe of opportunities.

Programs and projects supported by the Institute represent innovative actions, and consolidate the role of the Institute as an instrument of public policies.

New educational spaces are created. Non-traditional populations started to access the knowledge and technology developed inside the Institution. A huge transformation begins overcoming a cycle of underdevelopment, including people, promoting social and economic development.

A Thousand Women Project: Transformation, Citizenship and Income Generation. An international cooperation between Brazil and Canada that promotes exchanging social technologies, and represents an amazing step forward into development achievement.

Digital Inclusion Program – including people into the productive and digital world through computer science programs.

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